In Artinis NIRS blog, you will find the latest trends in (f)NIRS, NIRS studies and applications, tutor from the leaders of near infrared spectroscopy, not to mention detailed insights and tips and tricks for your research!
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Using fNIRS to study emotions in virtual reality environments
Have you ever watched a horror movie or read a really gripping thriller that made you skip a beat or two at the climax? If you know what I’m talking about, then we can agree on something: our minds are connected to our bodies in such a way that the emotions we experience cause physiological changes on us.
2fNIRS workshop: Hyperscanning with the OctaMon
Last week Artinis was present at the 2016 2f-NIRS conference in Montpellier, France. This two-day conference, titled NIRS signal: from acquisition to analysis, provided us with a great platform to give a mirror game workshop with two OctaMon devices.
NIRS and Tobii eye tracking
Bringing together the various methods of data collection and analysis. Combine different biometric techniques with NIRS, such as eye tracking technology.
Prefrontal cortex activation upon a demanding virtual hand-controlled task
We are happy to announce that the University of L’Aquila (Italy) research group utilized the 20-channel Oxymon in an important study for neuroergonomics.